Destroying the support structures of the central skyscraper using explosive weapons will force it to collapse in spectacular fashion, dramatically altering the landscape surrounding it to the point of shifting the position of a capture point.

Lancang Dam Map: The dam itself can be broken by using rockets and explosives on the large crack, forcing large debris to fall to the ground and naturally altering the landscape around it.In addition to rendering those portions of the hotel inaccessible, the thick smoke will also serve to reduce visibility which can be handy. Hainan Resort Map: The oil spills can be set ablaze using explosives and flammables in order to burn down both wings of the central hotel.When they explode, the IED’s will leave large craters which alter the landscape. Golmud Railway Map: The IED’s located throughout the map can be detonated by locating and using control consoles, or simply using explosive weapons.This renders a battle pickup and certain routes inaccessible, but also opens up others as well as allowing for the use of amphibious vehicles. Flood Zone Map: The large level can be destroyed by using explosive weapons or rockets on the large crack, flooding the streets.This causes the pipelines to explode, which will destroy the bridge. Dawnbreaker Map: Locate two valves beneath the central avenue of the map, then interact with them to maximize the pressure in the pipelines that run along the street.