
Ats escan for sale
Ats escan for sale

► Misfire counters provide information on which cylinders misfired and counts ► Finds problem cylinders and identifies them quickly. ► Quickly identifies misfiring cylinders from the exhaust tail pipe. ► Quickly identifies camshaft timing problems through the spark plug hole. We’ll load the iEAonto a customized, shop-tough laptop, and ship you the works, ready to roll. View large, colorful, razor sharp waveforms on your hi-res PC display. Our iEA shows you which cylinder or cylinders are missing through the exhaust tailpipe and then checks the mechanical condition of the cylinder through the spark plug hole in just minutes! ATS’ revolutionary iEA software automatically identifies problems and alerts the technician saving hours of diagnostic time.

ats escan for sale

Got a random misfire code, miss-identified misfire code, or no code at all, and the vehicle is misfiring? Another very difficult challenge that will take hours of your time to figure out.

ats escan for sale ats escan for sale

Well we aren’t! Our iEA - Intelligent Engine Analyzer uses advanced technology to check the pressure changes in the cylinders THROUGH THE SPARK PLUG HOLE! What if we told you that you could tell if the camshaft timing is off by as little as one tooth, in as little as five minutes. That’s a very difficult challenge that will take hours of your time to prove.

Ats escan for sale